Certificate In ICT –

Diploma in ICT (NDICT-9) covers ICT fundamentals, programming, design, networking, and digital skills development.

(1) Introduction to ICT
(2) Computer Hardware
(3) Manage Files & Folders
(4) Microsoft Word
(5) Microsoft Excel
(6) Microsoft Access (Database)
(7) Microsoft PowerPoint
(8) Graphic Designing
(9) Introduction to Web Designing
(10) Internet & Services
(11) AI
(12) Sinhala & English Typesetting
(13) Final Project

Course Content

(1) Introduction to ICT
(2) Computer Hardware
(3) Manage Files & Folders
(4) Microsoft Word
(5) Microsoft Excel
(6) Microsoft Access (Database)
(7) Microsoft PowerPoint
(8) Graphic Designing
(9) Introduction to Web Designing
(10) Internet & Services
(11) AI
(12) Sinhala & English Typesetting
(13) Final Project

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Hotline : 0332 248 882

Hours: Monday - Sunday (8 AM–5 PM)

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