ICT Technician NVQ 4
Diploma in ICT (NDICT-9) covers ICT fundamentals, programming, design, networking, and digital skills development.
- ICT Technician NVQ 4
(1) Use the computer and manage files within standard O/S
(2) Perform word processing
(3) Prepare spreadsheets
(4) Prepare presentation resources
(5) Introduction to cloud computing
(6) Internet & email services
(7) Handle relational database
(8) Conduct routine Maintenance Services of computer system and peripherals
(9) Produce print page layout and multimedia objects
(10)Analyze, design and develop information system
(11)Handle relational databases using standard SQL
(12)Design static website
(13)Practice workplace communication & Interpersonal relations
(14)Apply Occupational Literacy and numeracy
(15)Work in a team
(16)Practice occupational health and safety measure
(17)Assignment & Projects
- Course Content
- Time Table
- Course Fee:
(1) Use the computer and manage files within standard O/S
(2) Perform word processing
(3) Prepare spreadsheets
(4) Prepare presentation resources
(5) Introduction to cloud computing
(6) Internet & email services
(7) Handle relational database
(8) Conduct routine Maintenance Services of computer system and peripherals
(9) Produce print page layout and multimedia objects
(10)Analyze, design and develop information system
(11)Handle relational databases using standard SQL
(12)Design static website
(13)Practice workplace communication & Interpersonal relations
(14)Apply Occupational Literacy and numeracy
(15)Work in a team
(16)Practice occupational health and safety measure
(17)Assignment & Projects
Duration – 06 months
Registration Fee - 3000 LKR
Course Fee – 50,000 LKR
Course Content
(1) Use the computer and manage files within standard O/S
(2) Perform word processing
(3) Prepare spreadsheets
(4) Prepare presentation resources
(5) Introduction to cloud computing
(6) Internet & email services
(7) Handle relational database
(8) Conduct routine Maintenance Services of computer system and peripherals
(9) Produce print page layout and multimedia objects
(10)Analyze, design and develop information system
(11)Handle relational databases using standard SQL
(12)Design static website
(13)Practice workplace communication & Interpersonal relations
(14)Apply Occupational Literacy and numeracy
(15)Work in a team
(16)Practice occupational health and safety measure
(17)Assignment & Projects
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Hotline : 0332 248 882
Hours: Monday - Sunday (8 AM–5 PM)